Monthly Archives: March 2021
Poleward Bound: Adapting to climate-driven species redistribution
A new science article from Snowchange and leading ecologists in marine sciences reviews and discusses the meaning, significance and deductions of the poleward movement of species and fishery stocks both for science and Indigenous and traditional maritime communities. One of the … Continue reading
The River Alazeya: Shifting Socio-Ecological Systems Connected to a Northeastern Siberian River
Indigenous author Vyacheslav Shadrin and Tero Mustonen summarize 15 years of climate change work and Indigenous knowledge in NE Siberian watershed of Alazeya River. The peer reviewed paper is released today in the Arctic. One of the most remote … Continue reading
New Extensive Web Portal Captures the Essentials of the Landscape Rewilding Programme
Open today, the Landscape Rewilding Portal summarizes the results and sites of the Snowchange restoration programme building on Indigenous and local knowledge and latest science. It is at Where is the home of the brook lamprey? Where can you find … Continue reading