Snowchange Wins the St. Andrews Prize 2021!


Snowchange Co-op has won the The St Andrews Prize for the Environment. It is one of the most prestigious and largest environmental global prizes. The award goes to the Landscape Rewilding Programme of Snowchange. The cash prize is 100,000 USD. 

Tero Mustonen comments:

We bow humbly in receiving this prize which we dedicate to the northern Indigenous and community women who lead the Snowchange work. Rewilding landscapes in Finland using traditional knowledge and science matters for all of Europe because of the migratory bird fly ways and large amount of peatlands we can restore. Our work also ratifies Saami indigenous rights in practice, even though unfortunately they are still not recognized by Finnish Government. We hope the global society joins us in a broad alliance to protect the boreal forests and Northern ecosystems of Finland.”

The St Andrews Prize for the Environment is a major international initiative led by the University of St Andrews that recognises and supports innovative and inspirational responses to environmental challenges, including the climate crisis.

Since 1998, the Prize has awarded more than $2 million in prize money across the world to individuals and organisations whose imaginative solutions are protecting the environment and promoting a more sustainable society. Now in its 23rd year, the Prize aims to champion the people and ideas addressing the greatest challenge of our age.

The St Andrews Prize for the Environment was established in 1998 by the University of St Andrews to recognise significant contributions to environmental conservation. Since its launch, the Prize has attracted almost 6,000 entries which cover everything from reducing human-animal conflict, to environmental justice, to reducing and eliminating waste, to urban regeneration.

There have been 22 winners, who have each received $100,000 to further develop and implement their projects while the runners up have each received $25,000.

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