Terrible Tragedy Hits Nutendli, a Nomadic Reindeer Community in Kolyma

Nutendli, one of the partner communities of Snowchange, located in the Lower Kolyma, Republic of Sakha-Yakutia, Russia, has been hit with a horrible tragedy. Igor Kemlil (son of Vitali Kemlil, leader of Nutendli), together with his wife Tanya and their daughter Liza as well as Tanya’s mother Yana have frozen to death in their tundra camp this week. Funeral proceedings will take place tomorrow 21st December 2013 in the village of Kolymskaya. Snowchange joins in mourning of these lost lives and urges all peoples to light candles tomorrow in memory of this family that has been lost. Our thoughts and prayers go to all members of the Nutendli extended family at this dark hour.

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